Without loss of generality, this trivially follows and is left for the reader as exercise

Economics is not Mathematics, even though there is a lot of Math in it. Especially Calculus and Real Analysis are important for any serious student of economics and in that course you are likely going to get familiar with phrases like….

  1. It is easy to see that…
  2. Obviously…
  3. Immediate. *
  4. …and the result follows.
  5. As a result, we find that…
  6. One easily verifies that…
  7.  The proof is left to the reader. *
  8. The proof is left as an exercise.*
  9. ….and the X theorem completes the proof.
  10.  Clearly…
  11. It can be shown that…
  12. Trivially…
  13. The proof is standard. 
  14.  …the rest of the proof follows the same line.
  15. …by a trivial argument…

Found on Urch.com.

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