Seuchenalarm im Wohnheim

Nein, erschrecken will ich hier jetzt niemand. Aber kürzlich kam doch glatt eine Email, dass ein Besucher des Wohnheims, der auch noch an einer Singleparty im Wohnheim teilgenommen hat an einer Meningitis B erkrankt ist. Die folgende Email war im Postfach:

TO all rersidents,
A guest to carr-saunders, …., …’s brother has recently been hospitalised due to catching Meningitus B, therefore everyone who came in to contact with him or used the kitchen that he used ( Floor 3 ) must come to reception and put there name on a list so that medication can be provided to stop it spreading, he was also present on the night of the party in the common room so if u attended please put your name down, if you could do this as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated,

The committee

Nach der ersten “Alarmmail” kam dann die offizielle Version einen Tag später:

Dear Resident,

Further to the email sent out by ….. and the hall committee
last night. The situation is that a guest who stayed at Carr Saunders
for one night was admitted to hospital with Meningitis. He is making
good recovery with antibiotic treatment.

Attached is information from the Health Protection Agency which explains
the current situation. The leaflet also gives telephone numbers if you
need more information.

Their leaflet explains that in university setting the chance of a second
case is very small. The risk of picking up meningitis comes from
prolonged contact (e.g. living in the same house or mouth to mouth
kissing) with someone carrying the virus or bacteria.  The contact has
to be close because the bacteria are weak and cannot live for more than
a few seconds outside the body.

We understand that the case has caused some concern and anybody who
thinks they may have had prolonged contact have been contacted and
advised to visit Dr ……. at St Philips Medical Centre.

If you have any concerns over the weekend please come to reception to
contact the duty sub wardens. Kankorat is on duty tonight and Saturday.
……. is on duty on Sunday.

Service Manager

Vor ein paar Jahren gab es im Wohnheim anscheinend ein großes Problem mit Kakerlaken. Jetzt also die Meningitis, aber so wie es aussieht sind wir nochmal knapp daran vorbeigekommen. Denn geküsst hat den Typ anscheinend niemand; da er auch noch Undergraduate ist und in nem anderen Stock war sind wir postgrads auf der sicheren Seite.