rgeos: TopologyException – found non-noded intersection between..

I have been having some issues generating spatial unions and intersections using the rgeos package. The package is extremely powerful, as it serves as an R interface to the powerful GEOS engine.

However, when working with shapefiles or polygons, quite often you will come across a whole range of errors, typically around topology exceptions. These occur in a whole range of applications — they typically throw errors of the type:

TopologyException: found non-noded intersection between LINESTRING (-59.0479 -1.85389, -59.048 -1.854) and LINESTRING (-59.0482 -1.854, -59.0477 -1.854) at -59.048000000000002 -1.8540000000000001

As becomes evident from this error, the error occurs in the xth decimal point, so it should really not be an error really? There are alternative issues that may arise if you try to create a Spatial Intersection of two Polygons that have different precisions.

What typically works in resolving these issues is a combination of two things.


  1. Round the polygon coordinates so that you end up having the same precision if you are creating spatial intersections of polygons coming from different sources. A function that implements this is for example:
 roundPolygons<-function(shptemp, digitss=3) {
for(i in 1:length(shptemp)) {
  1. A second quick fix is to create a buffer area around the polygons you are trying to intersect, here rgeos has a predefined gBuffer function. You just need to specifiy the width of the buffer and then run the Spatial Union or Intersection with the buffered objects.

In most applications the combination of these two solved all my rgeos spatial join issues.

3 thoughts on “rgeos: TopologyException – found non-noded intersection between..”

  1. Your previous error is down to the ‘&’.

    I hit a wall with the gBuffer step: m2 = gBuffer(m, id=m$id) results in error: “if applying across ids, new id must be length 1”. This is confusing as it seems contradictory with the whole point of the id argument.

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