Ich hab ein paar Emails bekommen, was nun die genauen Bedingungen sind – wann man im M.Sc. Economics an der LSE den Abschluss mit Auszeichnung bekommt. Ich stelle hierzu einfach mal die Informationen rein, die wir von der Schule bekommen haben.
- The pass mark in each paper is 50 out of 100. Where a paper is examined in part by extended essay, the mark is the average of the mark awarded in the unseen examination and that awarded for the extended essay. There is no requirement to pass each part separately. It is important to note however, that candidates absent from any examination, or who do not submit an extended essay, cannot be considered for the award of a degree. Such candidates may resit the examination, and carry forward the marks of any papers already attempted.
- There are four levels at which you can be graded: Pass with Distinction, Pass with Merit, Pass and Fail.Pass with Distinction: an individual distinction mark is 70 or over. An overall Pass with Distinction is achieved with: (1) three marks of 70 or over and one mark of 50 or over, i.e. 3 x 70s and 1 x 50 OR (2) Two marks of 70 and over and two marks of 60 and over, i.e. 2 x 70s and 2 x 60s, AND an aggregate mark of 280.Pass with Merit: an individual merit mark is 60 – 69. An overall Pass with Merit is achieved with:
EITHERÂ (1) Three marks of 60 or over and one mark of 50 or over, i.e. 3 x 60s and 1 x 50.
OR (2) Two marks of 70 or over and two marks of 50 or over, i.e. 2 x 70s and 2 x 50s.Pass: an individual pass mark is 50 – 59. An overall Pass is achieved by: EITHER
(1) Passing all four papers, i.e. 4 x 50s OR (2) Passing three papers, provided there is EITHER a good pass, i.e. a mark of 55 or over, OR an aggregate mark of 160 in the non-failed courses, AND provided that the fail is not a bad fail, i.e. less than 20.- Fail: a candidate who fails to satisfy the criteria in c) above fails the examination overall.
- A candidate who fails the examination overall may normally resit any or all of the failed papers on ONE occasion only. This must take place in the following year unless a candidate is permitted by the School to defer. A candidate retaking a paper examined in part by essay must resit the examination AND resubmit the essay, though the examiners will allow the candidate to resubmit the essay from the first attempt.A resit candidate can pass the examination if the marks obtained at resit, together with the marks carried forward from the first attempt, satisfy the criteria in point 2 c) above. Resit candidates are not eligible for distinction or merit awards
Bei mir ist es auf eine Distinction hinausgelaufen, im Schnitt schaffen das im M.Sc. Economics wohl etwas weniger als 20%. 65% der Studenten schließen mit Merit oder besser ab, im Jahr 2008 sind nur 8% durchgefallen. Die Statistiken beziehen sich aber nur auf den M.Sc. in Economics.