Internet Connection Sharing via Ad-Hoc network for iPhone and iPad

As I have to be in hospital for a few days in Germany, I bought myself a SIM card and a month mobile internet flatrate. I have a netbook, a EEPC 1000go with an integrated mobile broadband card.

However, in hospital I rather wanted to use my iPad and my iPhone to read papers and so on. As both are from the UK and I have not unlocked them, I wanted to indirectly use the internet on these devices through my netbook. I was amazed by how quick and easy it was setting things up….

Step 1: Setting up an ad-hoc network

  1. From the Windows XP desktop, click Start, click Control Panel, click Network and Internet Connections, and then click Network Connections.
  2. Right-click the wireless network connection, and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Wireless Networks tab. In the wireless network adapter properties dialog box, click Add under Preferred networks.
  4. On the Association tab, type the name of your ad hoc wireless network in Network name (SSID). I named my network “questad
  5. Select the This is a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network check box and clear the The key is provided for me automatically check box.
  6. In Network Authentication, select Open.
  7. In Data encryption, select WEP.
  8. In Network key, type the WEP key. The WEP key should be a random sequence of hexadecimal digits or numbers, letters, and punctuation.

10.In Confirm network key, retype the WEP key.

11.Click OK to save changes to the wireless network.

12.Click OK to save changes to the wireless network adapter.


Step 2: Enable Internet Connection Sharing

1.From the Windows XP desktop, click Start, click Control Panel, click Network and Internet Connections, and then click Network Connections.

2.Right-click the Mobile internet dialup connection that is used to access the Internet, and then click Properties.

3.On the Advanced tab, select the Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection check box and clear the Allow other network users to control or disable this shared Internet connection check box.


Step 3: Connecting the iPhone or iPad to the ad-hoc network

Note that you need to reconnect the mobile internet, as changes will only applyto a newly established connection. Turning on wirless network on the iPhone, you should see the network you created. You can now simply connect to it and you are good to go.